These three squares are from 200 Crochet Blocks for Blankets, Throws, and Afghans: Crochet Squares to Mix and Match (I’m using the 2005 edition with the red color scheme on the color). I wanted to experiment with some sizes 8 and 12 Presencia Finca perle cotton I recently added to my collection, so I hooked up my daily motifs with that instead of the lace weight acrylic blend I’ve been working with on this project.
I was really happy with out these motifs turned out. Cotton makes for nice, sharp stitching, and the colors are available are simply delicious. I purchased these from Joggles.
Edwardian Fantasy (#88 – 200 Crochet Blocks)
Fudge (#69 – 200 Crochet Blocks)
Willow (#189 – 200 Crochet Blocks)